The Brain Academia

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Tailored to the MOE syllabus, our program seamlessly integrates fun and academic rigor to provide an enriching learning journey. We understand that engaged children thrive, so each lesson is infused with dynamic brain training games and multi-modal academic activities. Our goal is not just to prepare students for success in English, but to ignite a genuine passion for the language.

Being able to read enables your child to explore and learn new things since books and other kinds of writing hold an infinite quantity of information and knowledge. It sharpens the mind and broadens the imagination. Reading fosters creativity and is essential for creating a positive self-image — those who aren’t strong readers tend to be less confident and self-assured. If your child is a weak reader, consider signing them up for an English enrichment class in Singapore.

Your child can explore and express what he or she thinks, feels, and knows when they can write. They would be able to materialize his or her ideas and thoughts through writing proficiently. It gives your child the ability to be recognized and respected while also being understood.

Our impactful methodology places a strong emphasis on reinforcing essential language skills: grammar, comprehension, writing, and vocabulary building. With multifaceted objectives, our program aims to develop oral communication skills for effective interaction, enhance writing proficiency for various purposes and audiences, and elevate comprehension skills across a wide range of text types.

Three main skills needed to do well in english:


Students are encouraged to share and express their ideas among peers, fostering a collaborative learning environment.


Students are introduced to a wide variety of texts and topics, and our curriculum guides students in identifying key ideas and developing inferential skills.



Students will explore a variety of writing techniques to craft compelling storylines and effectively tackle Situational Writing.


By combining these elements, our curriculum delivers a comprehensive learning experience meeting academic standards while nurturing a deep love for the English language.

Nanci Bell


Over the past thirty years, clinical research and experience have shown that a separate comprehension deficiency exists but is rarely recognized. This weakness frequently makes reading difficult. The sensory system’s deficiency is what makes it difficult to create an imagined gestalt.

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Although Michelle is able to read words clearly, she doesn’t comprehend what she is reading. She finds it difficult to follow orders since words “go in one ear and out the other”. Her parents are frustrated by her poor long and short-term memory. She has been classified as having ADHD because her teachers believe she is not trying.




Having trouble imagining a gestalt is a major contributor to difficulties with language comprehension. This is referred to as weak concept imagery. Due to this weakness, people only understand “parts” of the information they read or hear.




The signs of a deficiency in concept imagery can happen to people of any age.

This causes weakness in:




Concept imagery, the capacity to construct an imagined or pictured gestalt from words, is developed through the Visualizing and Verbalizing® (V/V®) curriculum as a foundation for understanding and higher order thinking. The improvement of concept imagery enhances writing, critical thinking, memory, oral vocabulary, reading, and listening comprehension.

Our English enrichment program for primary school students uses evidence-based techniques to help build the imagery-language foundation required for reading, comprehension, and math.


Direct stimulation of symbol imagery improves
reading and spelling.


Thinking and language comprehension are both improved by direct concept imagery stimulation.

One of the main highlights of our English language enrichment program in Singapore is the Comprehensive Developmental Milestone Assessment.

We have a broad range of tests and assessments that we may use to evaluate your child’s language and literacy abilities from a developmental viewpoint, which means that we pay attention to their linguistic growth rather than their biological age.

We evaluate your child’s reading and literacy skills across five key domains:






These assessments provide you and us a clearer picture of your child’s particular strengths and limitations and shed light on any potential underlying problems.

We will create a personalized program plan that tackles your child’s language and literacy weaknesses based on the test findings for your child. Our use of developmental milestones makes sure that the training program is customized to your child’s learning style and requirements.

Get Our FREE Brain Games To Unleash Your Child’s Full Potential.

Develop your child’s concept imagery skills with an English enrichment class for primary school students in Singapore

Interested to learn more about our English language enrichment class? Feel free to fill out the form below to request an appointment with us so we can understand your child’s learning needs.
