The Brain Academia

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our programs

All our programs are meticulously designed, drawing from evidence-based neuroscientific research and tried-and-tested pedagogical methods to boost critical cognitive skills, academic management, and efficient content learning. We consistently refresh our curriculum to keep it dynamic, innovative, and customised to suit the changing requirements of our students.

By staying updated on recent exam formats and educational trends, our lessons are structured to facilitate concept discovery, content comprehension, and practical application, empowering students to make effective connections.

Smartwave Cognitive Program

We assist our students in refining fundamental cognitive skills to navigate exam components effectively and cultivate the confidence to embrace learning new concepts, ideas, and skills.

The Thinking academy

Our Thinking Academy program not only assists students in reinforcing their understanding of mathematical concepts but also enhances cognitive skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and spatial representation.

The English academy

Our English Academy program employs evidence-based techniques to cultivate the imagery-language foundation necessary for reading and comprehension.
